Hi! My name is Franco Nicolás Merenda and this my personal website!
Here I share blogs about my personal experiences while working in projects or working at companies. I also share some personal projects, with the motivation of doing it, some of the experiences/lessons learned and more.
The idea is to gather all my experiences in one place. If you’re facing challenges I’ve encountered before, hopefully you’ll find helpful insights here!
Thanks for visiting! — I hope you enjoy the stories. 😊
You might be wondering, why Y3rbiadit0? The name reflects my love for a traditional Argentine beverage called Mate Cocido or Yerbiado, depending on the region. It’s something I’ve always loved since I was a child, and it has become a part of who I am. That’s why I’ve adopted it as my pseudonym—just because why not?.
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🛠️ GitHub Repositories
- 💡 MerendaFrancoN – C/C++ - Java - Flutter Projects!
- 🤖 y3rbiadit0 – HPC and IoT related repositories!